As Dynamic Thinker, you are the epitome of competence, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit. Your fierce determination and relentless pursuit of excellence enable you to achieve even the most challenging goals. You are a born leader whose enthusiasm, confidence and energy are infectious to others. New challenges are your lifeblood - you can't really enjoy victories that come too easily. It's really no coincidence that some of the most famous generals in history were among your type: "I came, I saw, I conquered" is written on your banner.

Some of the most famous military leaders in history did not accidentally happen to be Dynamic Thinkers. You were born to be a leader. You're a confident, energetic, and determined person who knows what you want and goes after it with gusto. If you had your way, there wouldn't be any shilly-shallying! You care just as much about efficiency and effectiveness in your personal life as you do at work. You're great at strategic planning, long-term thinking, creative problem-solving, and absolutely accurate case analysis. The quote "I came, I saw, and I was victorious" (Caesar) could also be written on your flag. You're amazing at understanding even the trickiest situations and giving clear instructions on how to handle them.

Your extroverted preference gives you outstanding communication skills and a certain charisma that allows you to easily mobilize others for your cause. Your visions are not limited to the here and now, but often extend far into the future. For professional satisfaction, you need these aspirations as much as you need air for breathing. You especially love a good intellectual challenge, and you're always up for a victory that's not too easy to achieve.

Being one of the extroverted Thinker types, working in a solitary environment is not for you. Your happiness requires the company of others, new excitement and challenges, and a little action. However, due to your intuitive/thinking preference, you are the last person to be a people pleaser. You're all about the end goal of your task or the good of the company. Although this usually creates a great output, there’s always the risk that your colleagues’ human (all too human) needs could easily fall by the wayside.

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After years of being dissatisfied in my role thinking that I was missing my 'calling', iPersonic showed me that in fact I was in the right profession. It helped me harness what was important to me in a working environment and how I like to be managed.

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I found the career profile extremely useful. Too many of us have chosen a career based on courses that were available to us in school, suggestions we got from a parent or school counselor - or we might just have gravitated toward work that we thought would be easy, prestigious, or high-paying. But job satisfaction has everything to do with what makes you feel fulfilled as a person. Finding a career path that really resonates with your values and your personal style is so important if you want to enjoy your work and feel like you're spending your life in a worthwhile way. The iPersonic website has a great approach of giving you broad principles that apply if you're looking for a complete career change or for ideas on how you might improve your current job.

Andreas, Germany

You need valuable knowledge about your skills and sound decision-making tools to move your career forward. The iPersonic Career Profile provides both.

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iPersonic is really a great site and the Career Profile is a qualified career choice guide.

Swen Riebel, Dipl.-Psych., Senior Consultant HR Strategy, Siemens AG

If you apply for a job it is essential for you to report on your strengths and weaknesses, especially at job interviews. This is where the iPersonic Career Profile provides valuable help.

Regine Meissner, Director Human Resources, 21TORR