The Dreamy Idealist
As Dreamy Idealist, you prefer to wander the winding paths of your rich inner world. Few have access to this world because you are reserved and cautious in your dealings with others. Some people think this makes you shy, cool or detached - but they are wrong. At heart you are a very passionate person with a strong inner value system and clear, honorable principles for which you are willing to make great sacrifices. When you are really passionate about a cause, you can become a tireless fighter. Joan of Arc or Sir Galahad would have been good representatives of your personality type.
Your sensitivity and imagination are almost inexhaustible. Your heart beats for the beauty of the world, which you constantly strive to improve. Those around you appreciate you for your selflessness and genuine concern for the welfare of others, as well as your ability to offer a listening ear and a comforting word. Your search for authenticity and deep emotional connections often leads you to seek out like-minded people who share your longing for a life of meaning and purpose.Professionally, you are drawn to areas where you can use your creative talents and intuition. Whether in the arts, counseling, or social services, you strive to contribute and enrich the world with your unique perspective. Practical matters of life, on the other hand, are not at all important to you. You deal with the mundane demands of everyday life only when it becomes unavoidable. Instead, you tend to live by the Albert-Einstein quote “Order is needed by the ignorant but it takes a genius to master chaos”. Assertiveness is not your strong suit either; you hate conflict and competition far too much. You prefer to motivate others with your friendly and enthusiastic manner.
You firmly believe that somewhere in the world there is your perfect other half, your one true soul mate. However, it is quite a challenge for any flesh-and-blood person to meet your enormously high standards of love and romance in real life over the long term. For you, a relationship is a lifelong commitment that you take very seriously. Loyalty is very important to you; you are very loyal yourself and would find it hard to forgive infidelity, for example.
Your ability to feel and dream deeply is a rare gift. It makes you a beacon of hope and inspiration to others. But it also makes you vulnerable to life's hardships, which can be very hurtful to your sensitive nature. And the challenge of turning your idealistic dreams into reality can sometimes be overwhelming. It is therefore important that you find ways to realize your creative visions in a way that benefits you and others.
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Your iPersonic Career Profile gives you invaluable insight into your individuality, outlining your strengths along with areas of relative weakness. It maps your behavioural style and core motivations to areas of work and patterns of work which best accommodate your individual make-up, giving you vital opportunity to reflect and make decisive choices on your working life and career.
Your Career Profile includes in-depth profiles of 70 careers that are best suited for your personality type.
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Your iPersonic Career Profile is custom-tailored to your personality type. No fillers, just facts. What careers suit you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Get all the answers in your 90 page Career Profile. We bring it all into focus for you.Download it and get started!
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iPersonic has satisfied customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. Millions have taken our award-winning personality test. iPersonic is available in over 20 languages. Forbes 500 companies rely on our personality system. Read what our customers and human resources experts say:
After years of being dissatisfied in my role thinking that I was missing my 'calling', iPersonic showed me that in fact I was in the right profession. It helped me harness what was important to me in a working environment and how I like to be managed.
Thank you for the very detailed information relating to your personality types. I have found it so helpful, both the general information, which you offer for free, but also the career and relationship profile. I have recommended it to three other friends who I know have been on your site as a result. I am also recommending the sight to a counsellor who I am currently seeing as well. I used certain aspects from my career profile to write my last resume for a new job, which gave me a lot more confidence to highlight my strengths. And as it turned out, the job I am applying for is in the list which you recommended would suit my personality.
I found the career profile extremely useful. Too many of us have chosen a career based on courses that were available to us in school, suggestions we got from a parent or school counselor - or we might just have gravitated toward work that we thought would be easy, prestigious, or high-paying. But job satisfaction has everything to do with what makes you feel fulfilled as a person. Finding a career path that really resonates with your values and your personal style is so important if you want to enjoy your work and feel like you're spending your life in a worthwhile way. The iPersonic website has a great approach of giving you broad principles that apply if you're looking for a complete career change or for ideas on how you might improve your current job.
You need valuable knowledge about your skills and sound decision-making tools to move your career forward. The iPersonic Career Profile provides both.
iPersonic is really a great site and the Career Profile is a qualified career choice guide.
If you apply for a job it is essential for you to report on your strengths and weaknesses, especially at job interviews. This is where the iPersonic Career Profile provides valuable help.