As Engaged Idealist, you are a tireless driver of positive change. Your commitment to what you believe is right inspires those around you. Your humor, energy and optimism magically attract people to your cause. You are driven by your vision of a better world, and you work hard to make it a reality. With your passion, dedication and integrity, you are a role model for many others to emulate. Your personality type often produces exceptionally charismatic people.

As an Engaged Idealist, you're one of the extroverted personality types. You thrive in a colorful, diverse group of people who interest and inspire you. You don't do well by yourself working in isolation. Instead, you enjoy connecting with others, you excel at empathizing with them and those around you quickly feel the importance you place on them. A team-oriented work role is therefore a great fit for you.

Your intuitive understanding of human nature, your knack for spotting the positive traits and potential in your colleagues and/or subordinates, and your willingness to encourage and support everyone around you best you can quickly builds trust and rapport. People like to ask you for advice, appreciate your caring ways, and enjoy being taken under your wing. Within the scope of your abilities, you’re always there for others because you get a kick out of aiding people succeed. You love being able to help others make the most of themselves and resolve conflicts.

You've got what it takes to be a great executive. It's hard to resist your charisma, your energy, and your ability to inspire and motivate others. However, you’re not the kind of boss who's going to order people around. You're better than that: Your style is to get others on board with a project by showing them why it's important and how it'll benefit them - that’s how you get people excited about a goal and make them want to follow you. It's not hard for you to do - you are a natural-born leader. However, you don't like conflict at all, and you're all about creating a harmonious work environment and positive relationships with your colleagues.

You also prefer to maintain friendly, cordial contacts with customers or clients, characterized by mutual support and goodwill. Ripping someone off in order to gain an economic advantage for yourself never crosses your mind. You would much rather create a "win-win situation" in which everyone involved can walk away with the feeling that they have achieved a success. So, you are known and appreciated as a trustworthy, reliable and tolerant superior, colleague and business partner. Fields of work that require a lot of elbowing, fierce rivalry and a willingness to assert yourself at all costs are therefore not very suitable for you. You're not the type to thrive in a work environment where competition is cutthroat and everyone's out for themselves. Envy, resentment and a permanently tense atmosphere around you would quickly make you very uncomfortable and unhappy.

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I found the career profile extremely useful. Too many of us have chosen a career based on courses that were available to us in school, suggestions we got from a parent or school counselor - or we might just have gravitated toward work that we thought would be easy, prestigious, or high-paying. But job satisfaction has everything to do with what makes you feel fulfilled as a person. Finding a career path that really resonates with your values and your personal style is so important if you want to enjoy your work and feel like you're spending your life in a worthwhile way. The iPersonic website has a great approach of giving you broad principles that apply if you're looking for a complete career change or for ideas on how you might improve your current job.

Andreas, Germany

You need valuable knowledge about your skills and sound decision-making tools to move your career forward. The iPersonic Career Profile provides both.

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iPersonic is really a great site and the Career Profile is a qualified career choice guide.

Swen Riebel, Dipl.-Psych., Senior Consultant HR Strategy, Siemens AG

If you apply for a job it is essential for you to report on your strengths and weaknesses, especially at job interviews. This is where the iPersonic Career Profile provides valuable help.

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