10 Tips to beat Springtime Lethargy
According to studies many persons are affected by springtime lethargy. Here's what you can do about it. Continue reading ...
The Fear of Terrorism - How does it affect us?
People who are beset by anxiety disorders or depressions will be further de-stabilized by these events. But then many people thus far not suffering from these problems may possibly now sense their own nervous tension or agitation, even concrete anxiety symptoms: insomnia, disproportionate strong reactions to stress situations, a subliminal testiness, problems with concentrating . . . whatever. Continue reading ...
Anorexia – when the Soul is starving
Anorexia (Anorexia nervosa) usually begins with the desire to be – or to become slim. Many of those afflicted eventually slide into this disease via a diet. At one point the starvation diet gets out of control and starts to dominate the entire life. The fear for gaining weight increases to the point of creating a strictly controlled food intake – all the way to a complete refusal to eat. The worst part of all is: The afflicted develop a progressively distorted body image and finally see themselves as fat and bloated while in reality by now they are only skin and bones. When during therapy an anorexic person is asked to paint a picture of him/herself, the body silhouette always differs far from reality. Most of them are totally stunned when they lay down on a large sheet of paper and the therapist traces the girth of their body with a pen. They would have never imagined that both are images of the same person.
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Can a Trauma be inherited?
An U.S. study of more than 50.000 women has recently brought a strange causality to light. “When a woman was the victim of severe sexual abuse as a child, the danger that she’ll later as a mother will give birth to a child suffering from autism increases by more than 60% (!) when compared to a non-traumatized woman. Our survey suggests that the fallout of childhood abuse resonates across generations,” says scientist Marc Weisskopf in an article published in the german magazine "Der Spiegel". The researchers included an impairment of the immune system and stress resistance of abused women as contributing factors as potential causes for the negative effect on the pregnancy and the embryonic development. Continue reading ...
I don't want to live anymore
This comment to one of my articles motivated me to comment on the subject of suicide. If you are one of those people who either happen to harbor the thought about suicide as you read this or frequently think about suicide because you wonder whether suicide might be a suitable solution for a momentary personal crisis, I would like to offer a few (hopefully helpful) thoughts. Continue reading ...